Imagine a world where you had the motivation to achieve the things you wanted in life without experiencing internal conflict, self-doubt, or fear.

Sounds nice, doesn’t it?

Every person sees the world through a unique lens based on their belief system. This belief system is created through familial, societal, religious, and cultural influence. But, what if the belief system that is framing your life is actually what is holding you back from living as you truly desire? This is the source, or seed level, of most peoples’ problems: what they consciously want and what they unconsciously believe is possible for themselves is incongruent.

What if we could restructure that belief system to support your personal growth? We can!!! Together we will clear mental & emotional blocks by resolving negative subconscious loops and limiting beliefs while installing new habits, behaviors, and motivations. Each session will be uniquely tailored to your needs providing a completely customized experience for expedited growth.

So, are you ready to plant the seeds for a more aligned and authentic future?

what is hypnoframing?

While traditional Hypnotherapy leans heavily on prewritten scripts and stock suggestions, Hypnoframing focuses on the unique language of the individual. This allows the new programming to be received by the subconscious mind with less resistance. In this process, we consciously analyze your habits, behaviors, and beliefs to raise awareness and create a new subconscious framework under hypnosis.

what is EFT?

 Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as tapping, is a process that is used to restore our body’s natural energetic balance. Think acupuncture minus the needles. Through a process of physically tapping on acupressure points while harnessing the emotion around a block, physical ailment, or limiting belief we can clear any disruptions in your body’s energetic system. This is a very gentle, but mighty way to deal with the smallest to largest of issues one can be faced with while creating a sense of balance and empowerment.

what is MER therapy?

 Mental & Emotional Release Therapy is a powerhouse method for clearing out blocks, limiting beliefs, and negative emotions. In this process we access a deeply rooted emotion and allow it to guide us to specific areas of our lives where we made limiting decisions in our past based on negative responses or perceptions from our environment. Through this process we can clear root blocks, and in turn, all of the associated experiences attached, taking away the emotional charge that holds us back in present day.

what is parts therapy?

While we are whole individuals, we have different pieces or aspects that make us so: the inner child, the inner adult, the rebel, the perfectionist. In this modality, we address deep internal conflict and create resolution through mediation under hypnosis. This allows each subconscious “part” to have a voice and express its needs clearly without the ego getting in the way. In Parts Therapy we gain understanding on why the conflict is there, what purpose that “part” is serving, and how we can resolve the issue to create internal harmony.

what is NLP?

Neuro-linguistic Programming, or NLP, is an alternative therapy used to create self-awareness, effective communication, and expansion using modeling to change mental and emotional patterns. This conscious process uses language analysis to detect unconscious biases or limitations that may exist within our subconscious belief system allowing us to see our internal map of the world and achieve our desired outcomes.